Insurance benefits for migrant workers

Work injuries

Cases that fall under the concept of work injuries

  1. Infection with one of the occupational diseases mentioned in the schedule of occupational diseases attached to the Social Security Law, and any other diseases that the Board of Directors of the Organization decides to add to this table.
  2. Work injury resulting from an accident that occurs in the place designated for the performance of work or what is related to it and during the time period specified for the performance of work or because of it.
  3. Work injury caused by road accident according to the following:
  • When the accident occurs during the period when the insured leaves his place of permanent or temporary residence to commence or return from his work, the place of permanent residence of the single insured shall be deemed to be the place of residence of his parents, unless he has a separate residence from them, and the married insured shall be his place of residence with his spouse;
  • When the accident occurs while the insured is going to or returning from work in the usual form or in the acceptable path, the form is considered usual when the insured takes the customary road to reach from the place of residence to the place of work and return from it without any deviation, interruption or unjustified time delay, and the path is considered acceptable when the insured takes a road that is not recognized due to justified circumstances convinced by the Organization.

Conditions for entitlement to work injury insurance

  • Work injury insurance covers all workers who meet the conditions of coverage by the provisions of the law from the first moment of joining work, without requiring specific contribution periods to benefit from this insurance like other applicable insurances.
  • The injured insured or his relatives shall have the right to notify the Insurance Corporation of the occurrence of the work injury within a period not exceeding four months from the date of its occurrence if the establishment does not notify the Organization thereof.
  • The Insurance Corporation shall bear the sickness and death salaries only if it is notified of the work injury after four months from the date of its occurrence.
  • In the event that the establishment is late in notifying the Organization (14) working days from the date of the injury, the establishment shall bear (15.0%) of the medical care costs and the full due daily allowance.

Death salary arising from work injury

  • If the work injury approved by the Organization results in the death of the insured, the injury death pension shall be entitled to (75.0%) of his deductible wage on the date of the injury, provided that (40) dinars are added to this salary as a general increase, and it shall be distributed to the heirs entitled from the beginning of the month in which the death occurred, in accordance with Table No. (4) attached to the Social Security Law.
  • This salary is linked to inflation annually.
  • (700)  dinars are paid funeral expenses.

Permanent Total Injury Disability Salary

  • If the work injury approved by the Organization results in the injury of the insured with a permanent total injury disability, he shall be entitled to a monthly injury sickness salary equivalent to (75.0%) of his wage that was taken as a basis for the payment of his contributions on the date of the injury, and this salary shall be allocated from the date of stabilization of the injured person’s condition, and shall be increased by (25.0%) of it if the injured person needs someone to help him carry out his daily life duties, provided that this increase does not exceed the minimum wage approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law in force..
  • (The body that determines the insured the percentage of disability and the stability or instability of his health condition and his need for those appointed by him is the Primary Medical Committee, or the Medical Appeal Committee in the institution).

Permanent Partial Disability Salary

  • The injured person shall be entitled to the salary of permanent partial disability if the injury results in a permanent partial disability of not less than (30.0%), and this salary shall be calculated on the basis of the percentage of such disability from the salary of permanent total disability.

Lump sum compensation

If the percentage of disability arising from the work injury is less than (30.0%), the injured person shall be entitled to a lump sum compensation equivalent to the percentage of such disability from the total disability salary multiplied by (36) months.