Insurance benefits for migrant workers

Permanent Natural Disability

Conditions for obtaining permanent total natural disability salary and permanent natural partial disability salary:

  • Termination of the service of the insured, or suspension of the deduction of the voluntary contribution.
  • Submit a request for the allocation of sickness salary within a period not exceeding (6) months from the date of termination of service, or stop deducting the voluntary contribution.
  • The actual contributions of the insured shall not be less than (60) contributions, including (24) continuous contributions.
  • The disability is confirmed by a decision of the medical reference in the Social Security Corporation (Primary Medical Committee or Appeal Medical Board).

The Social Security Law and the insurance regulations issued thereunder allow the insured who works in the private sector or the insured who works in the public sector and does not require the termination of his services for health reasons to be submitted to the Government Supreme Medical Committee, to submit to the Organization a request for examination by the Primary Medical Committee while he is on the job to indicate whether the concept of permanent total natural disability applies to his case twice during the period covered by the provisions of the law.

Calculation of the salary of permanent total natural disability and permanent natural partial disability

  • The salary of permanent total natural disability shall be calculated at the rate of (50.0%) of the average basic monthly wage for the contributions of the insured during the last (36) contributions for the first (1,500) dinars of that average and at the rate of (30.0%) of the rest of the average that exceeds (1,500) dinars, and the salary shall be increased by (half a percent) for each year of the insured’s contribution if the number of his contributions reaches (60).This percentage shall be increased to (one percent) if the number of his contributions reaches (120) contributions or more, and the salary shall be increased by (25.0%) thereof if the insured needs someone to help him carry out the tasks of his daily life at the time of his appearance before the medical authority, based on a decision of the medical authority, provided that this increase does not exceed the minimum wage approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law in force.
  • The salary of permanent partial natural disability shall be calculated at the rate of (75.0%) of the salary of permanent total natural disability, and it shall be increased by (half a percent) for each year of the insured’s contribution if the number of his contributions reaches (60) contributions or more, and this percentage shall be increased to (one percent) if the number of his contributions reaches (120) contributions or more.
  • The Natural Total Disability Disability Salary and the Natural Partial Disability Salary are linked to inflation annually.
  • This salary shall be allocated as of the beginning of the month in which the service of the insured ended.
  • If the insured is entitled to the salary of permanent total natural disability, he shall be considered definitively outside the scope of application of the provisions of the Social Security Law, and this shall not change his return to a paid job, even if such work is covered by the provisions of the Social Security Law.

General Provisions

  • The Social Security Institution and the permanent total natural disability payer or permanent partial natural disability payee may request a medical re-examination at any time during the two years following the date of proving such disability, and the institution shall take the following actions, based on a decision of the medical authority:
    • Suspension of salary if the status of permanent total natural disability or permanent natural partial disability ceases to exist, as of the first of the month following the date of issuance of the medical reference decision.
    • Or settle the rights of the salaried holder of permanent total natural disability when the status of total disability is no longer and the status of partial disability is established, as of the first of the month following the date of issuance of the medical reference decision.
    • Or granting the prescribed increase in salary when the holder of the permanent total natural disability salary becomes in need of someone to help him to carry out his daily life, starting from the beginning of the month following the date of issuance of the medical reference decision.
    • Or stop the prescribed increase in salary when it is found that the holder of the permanent total natural disability salary no longer needs someone to help him to carry out his daily life, as of the first of the month following the date of the issuance of the decision of the medical authority.
  • If the permanent total natural disability salary holder or the permanent partial natural disability salary holder fails to re-examine the medical examination, the payment of the sickness salary allocated to him shall be suspended until he appears before the medical authority for a medical re-examination, in which case the Organization shall settle his rights according to the result of the re-examination as of the date of stopping the payment of the sickness salary.
  • The insured whose number of contributions exceeds (60) contributions, including (24) continuous contributions, may submit to the Organization an application for examination while on duty to indicate whether the concept of permanent total natural disability applies to his case only twice during the period of his coverage by the provisions of the Social Security Law.