Insurance benefits for migrant workers

Hazardous professions

  • Hazardous professions: Professions that lead to harm to the health or life of the insured as a result of exposure to dangerous factors or conditions in the work environment despite the application of occupational safety and health conditions and standards.
  • The provisions of the insured working in professions approved as hazardous professions came into force as of 1/3/2015, which is the date of publication of the insurance benefits system of the Social Security Corporation in the Official Gazette, issued under the Social Security Law No. (1) of 2014.This system included the provisions for workers in hazardous professions and a schedule of these professions, and some amendments were made to this table under the amended system of the insurance benefits system for the year 2016.
  • The Social Security Law distinguishes workers in hazardous professions, as it allows the insured, male or female, working in one of the hazardous professions, to apply for an early retirement salary if his services are terminated for any reason, provided that he has completed the age of (45) years of age, and that his contribution period is not less than (180) contributions for females and (216) contributions for males, and that the establishment in which he worked has paid a percentage (1.0%) of his wage, in addition to old-age, disability and death insurance contributions for a period of not less than sixty contributions during the ten years preceding his request for the allocation of this salary in the event that he works in one of the approved hazardous professions.

Establishments shall provide the Corporation with the names, wages and professions of the insured working for it in the hazardous professions mentioned in the table attached to the Insurance Benefits System of the Social Security Corporation on the forms designated for this purpose, and to pay an increase in the percentage of contributions by (1.0%) of their wages over the current contribution rate and throughout the period of their work in these professions.