Labor Rights

Labor rights for Domestic workers

The employment contract shall be organized according to a form approved by the Ministry for this purpose and on four written copies in two languages in Arabic and a language understood by the worker, provided that the owner of the house, the worker, the Ministry and the office keep a copy thereof.

Rights of domestic workers

  • Receive the agreed wage without delay or shortage.
  • Not to be required to work hours exceeding the legal limit.
  • Have a weekly day off.
  • The right to public holidays and religious holidays.
  • The right to annual and sick leave.
  • Not to refer the cost of issuing a residence permit and work permit.
  • Allow him to practice his religious rites in a manner that does not conflict with public order and morals.
  • Treat him with respect, provide all the requirements and conditions of decent work, secure all his needs of clothing, food, drink, well-lit and ventilated room, means of sleep and rest, and guarantee his right to privacy.
  • Enable him to contact his family and whoever he wants at any time.

Wages for domestic workers

The value of the wage is determined in the employment contract and in accordance with the bilateral agreements between the Government of Jordan and each of the labor-sending countries, where some bilateral agreements determine the amount of the minimum wage for the workers of the sending country.

The minimum wage decisions issued by the Tripartite Commission on Labor Affairs do not cover non-Jordanian domestic workers.

When workers are paid?

The employer shall pay the wages of the workers on the agreed or settled date in Jordanian dinars or its equivalent in foreign currencies, and the date of payment of the wage may not be delayed for a period exceeding seven days from the due date.

working hours

The total number of times during which the domestic worker actually performs work must be eight hours per day, not counting the times the worker spends without work, rest or eating.

Daily rest period

The worker has the right to an adequate period of sleep hours during one day of at least eight hours per day.


The worker has the right to a weekly day off to be agreed upon between him and the owner of the house, and if the owner of the house is forced to employ the worker on his weekly holiday, he must compensate him with another day to be agreed upon between them.

Vacations of all kinds

Annual leave:  The worker is entitled to an annual leave of fourteen days with pay, and it may be agreed to postpone this leave until the end of the employment contract.

Sick leave: The worker is entitled to fourteen days of paid sick leave during the year.

Vacations of all kinds

Annual leave:  The worker is entitled to an annual leave of fourteen days with pay, and it may be agreed to postpone this leave until the end of the employment contract.

Sick leave: The worker is entitled to fourteen days of paid sick leave during the year.

Clearance at the end of the employment contract:

Upon the termination of the worker’s employment contract, the owner of the house and the worker shall, before the worker leaves the Kingdom, conduct a clearance of labor rights between them, which shall be signed before the Ministry of Labor, and each party shall keep a copy thereof.  

Work Permit and Residence Permit Fees:

The employer is obligated to pay the costs of issuing a residence permit and work permit for the non-Jordanian worker annually.

Termination of Employment Contract:

The employment contract shall expire upon the expiry of its term or upon the agreement of the worker and the employer to terminate it.

Worker Health Care

The employer is obligated to provide health care to the worker.

Work at the employer's place of residence

The employer is obligated to employ the worker in his usual or temporary place of residence with his family, and no one except the owner of the house and his family members has the right to issue work orders for the worker.

The worker communicated with his family

The owner of the house is obliged, at his expense, to enable the worker to contact his family abroad by phone once a month, and the worker has the right to additional calls at his own expense, and he also has the right to correspond with them in writing or by any means.


To grant a work permit or transfer the worker to work for another homeowner, an insurance policy that covers the following insurance benefits is required:

  1. Death caused by any cause, (with a value of (4200) Jordanian dinars, and the beneficiary in this case shall be the legal heirs of the worker or their legal representatives.
  2. Accidents caused to the worker during work, with a value of (2400) Jordanian dinars in the case of permanent total disability resulting from an accident, and (4200) Jordanian dinars multiplied by the percentage of disability in the case of either
  • Permanent partial disability resulting from an accident.
  1. Transporting the body to the airport of the worker’s original home or the costs of burying the worker’s body inside the Kingdom, with a value of (2000) Jordanian dinars for transportation, and (700) Jordanian dinars for burial.
  2. Medical insurance for the worker inside the hospital, twenty thousand Jordanian dinars with a ceiling of five thousand Jordanian dinars for one medical case during one insurance year.
  3. Financial losses caused to the owner of the house or office resulting from the worker’s refusal to work or leaving work.

Ministry of Labor measures to protect workers' rights

In the event of any complaint or information related to the violation of the worker’s rights,  or any breach by the employer of his obligations, the Ministry shall  take the following measures:

  • Summoning both the owner of the house and the worker to the Ministry to resolve the complaint amicably.
  • In the event that the complaint is related to the worker’s place of residence, the place of residence shall be inspected by a male and a female labor inspector together to ensure that the provisions of this system are applied after obtaining the approval of the owner of the house.
  • In the event that the owner of the house refuses to inspect and to preserve the rights of the worker, the system is granted minister The right to take such action as it deems appropriate.
  • In the event that the owner of the house refuses to search, the regulation grants the minister the right to take the measures he deems appropriate to preserve the rights of the worker.
  • If any violation is found, the owner of the house shall be warned to settle it within a period of one week from the date of being notified of it, otherwise a violation shall be seized against him and the necessary measures stipulated in the Labor Law shall be taken.